Friday, 13 May 2011


  • Tell to the world the wondrous works of the all-powerful Causer. "But how can I pronounce it if I couldn't prove His existence?" you may ask to me. That obsolete excuse was seemed valid only when science was in its infancy or when the excuser is having no wide knowledge. We know that all subtances are made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of subatomic particles (e.g., electrons, protons and/or neutrons). All electrons, protons, and neutron are absolutely made up of light's particles and therefore can be back into the form of light rays.The particles of light, known energy, are the photons. We can deduce this energy into force, velocity, and time. Absolutely, force here is the accelerating kilogramic influence (or it is the action, reaction of acceleration and kilogramic influence, respectively, forming the dipole, force, or weight). Absolute acceleration is deducible into absolute constant velocity and time. This is why the mathematical (or science's) evidence for the powerful Causer is " v equals the sqaure root of the quotient of Causer times 'final velocity minus starting velocity divided by time' times length divided by the Causer." Time is created or caused to happen when the powerful Causer is expending (producing) length in velocity, giving us a knowlledge that the absolute component of existence in nature is the absolute velocity. But velocity exists only by a real causer since nothingness or vacuum cannot cause velocity &, therefore, cannot create or be the source of light, energy, force, atoms or subtances. When the powerful Causer expended length in velocity, according to the equation " time = length÷velocity," time, length and velocity existed. The resistance to acceleration is but the kilogramic influence, so that the accelerating kilogramic influence is the force, dipole, or weight. Moving force is power or a work per unit of time. Although some anti-nature adherents claim that the source of all things is the nothingness and persuaded some to believe that new literal universes might accidentaly appear inside their nose, fingers, feet, or stomach, but the fact disproves that claims. No new literal universe has instantaneously appeared inside a stone, pencil, soil, stellar space, atom, or in your tongue. It is because to have a universe, huge amount of energy is needed, and energy cannot be created from or destroyed into nothing by nature, except if the powerful Causer has permitted it or done it.
    In the east, in the west, and in the entire world, give glory to the glorious
    Common inEphesiansIV six& JohnXX seventeenisEmaciated Blog password


    of God.
    The Lord God the Father has put "times" in His own authority, that is, "times" are in His hand (power).
  • Who I Want to Meet: 
    Biblically and mathematically, TIME is the WORK expended in POWER, or

    so that natural power, work, and time do not exist in absolute isolation. the 'power' to make the earth & heavens is biblically defined as a personified 'wisdom', which is created at the beginning of time before the other works of the Causer-of-Existence (Jeremiah 10:12 & 32:17)
    "I, wisdom, dwell in prudence...The LORD created me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of old. ages ago I was set up, at the first,..." -Proverbs 8:12,22,23 (RSV)

    Power is a moving force. the personified title of the Causer-of-Existence is EL, which means "Force".
    Moving, timing force is producing an effect, i.e., Work.

    F v = Work ÷ time = power

    A net force (F) multiplied by an instantaneous velocity (v) can produce power. therefore, work is the effect of timing power.
    "...the work...the effect..." -Isaiah 32:17
    A work is biblically defined as an "effect". The absolute "work" requires absolute "worker". If work is the effect, then "worker" is the cause (or causer). And all of us, whether theists, atheists or agnostic, know that "nothingness"(vacuum nowhere) cannot work or produce a physical effect.
    When the absolute Causer's work is expended in time, the effect is power (wisdom) The eternal power clearly seen by detectable things is also biblically called Godhead or deity (Romans 1:20). The thunder of this power is the word of God for framing worlds & upholding all things (Hebrews 1:4 & 11:3). Thus, power has thunder (word). And yes, the Lord God thunders to do great things (Job 37:5).
    Since word is a breath with voice, word is a spirit of the mouth of the Lord God.
    And by the word (breath) of the Lord God the Father the heavens and all their host were made.
    "The works of his hands are verity..." -Psalms 111:7

    The works or effects of His power are real, and therefore any thing that is unknowable untruth cannot be numbered as truth.
    About NOTHINGNESS, the Bible has said: "...and that which is wanting cannot be numbered." (Ecclesiastes 1:15). Therefore we cannot number NOTHINGNESS as zero for nothing or no-thing comes from it, but negative integers end at zero and positive integers begin at zero. There is no such thing as negative or positive for nothingness below or above of it. Neither vacuum nowhere (nothingness) could be the powerful source of energy, particles or Universe. Nothingness does not exist the way SOMETHINGNESS exist. Although nothingness is something, but it is a something that does not exist in a countable natural phenomenon (i.e., tangible or detectable, powerful or energetic). Therefore, the belief that NOTHINGNESS was the source or creator of energy, particles or Universe is scientifically wrong. Likewise, the belief of most theologians & mystics that God created all things out of nothing, is erroneous. 'nothingness' could not be the instrument of God to create all things.
    What to uphold, the Bible gives us a guideline:
    "Prove all things;..." - I Thessalonians 5:21
    In Old Testament, the Hebrew "EL", meaning " Force ", is personified as "God". It means that the God is the real absolute source of 'force'. Biblico-mathematically, we can define that:
    Absolute Force as the perceivable 'deity' or godhead is defined as 'eternal power', which can be clearly seen by detectable things. Therefore, this Godhead is not an unknowable mystical entity, but real perceivable invisible thing, created in the beginning of the Lord god's act.
    "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead;..." -Romans 1:20 (KJV)
    And these invisible things are defined too as a "word of God," i.e., 'do not appearing things' (Hebrews 11:3). The Word of God is considered as 'theos' (divine, godly) because it is God's.
    As the Causer expended the absolute Force in acceleration, kilogramic influence is manifested. This kilogramic influence is important to have velocity.
    Velocity is not just a length, time & direction: the meter stick, clock & compass are not equivalent to the velocity. thus, the absolute mathematical equation for velocity is not v=m/s but
    √{[(m/s²)m kg]/kg},where m is meter, s is second, and kg is kilogram.
    To determine the constant velocity, the thesciological formula is
    c = √ [(unified field entity x distance x acceleration) / ("Godhead" x time)]
    the square root of {[the master-existence-ring times the absolute length times the absolute acceleration] divided by the product of [Godhead times beginning-of-time]} equals the absolute constant velocity (c).


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