Man has landed on the Moon several times since 1969.
Moon revolves around a planet.

The planet earth rotates on its axis.
The planet orbits around the Sun.
(Animated gif )
Our Sun is one of the zillion stars.
Parallax of stars (Image:

(Image of star cluster IC 1396 : J-P Metsävainio)
The RR stars are blinking. (
Stars journey in a galaxy.
(Image: ESA/LFI & HFI Consortia)
Our Sun journeys on the milky Way Galaxy and one of its stars.
Milky Way is one of the galaxies in the Local group.
There are groups of galaxies.
Groups of galaxies journey in a cluster of galaxies.
Perseus Cluster (a group of galaxies).
(Images: Robert Lupton and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Consortium, NASA/ESA/Hubble Heritage (STScl/AURA)
Virgo Cluster (a group of galaxies) .
There are numerous clusters in the heaven.
Clusters comprised the supercluster. There are a lot of supercluster.
Superclusters journey in and compose the Universe.
Theoretical formation of our Universe
To understand the Universe, we have to understand the atom & its absolute constitution, for Universe is the gigantic activity of the atoms.
The absolute contents of all the atoms are the photons of light.
In fact, the fossil or REMEBRANCE OF CREATION is still there in the vast space of the Universe and we can read it by the photons of light.
There are photographs of a composite views for the Universe in microwave energy, shown above.
That weak band of quanta of light is the relic of Quasmospectrum's Giant Thundering or Explosion.
Since then, explosions are occurring to turn into pieces the once gigantic Quasmospectrum and to stretch or expand it.
What is Quasmospectrum ?
Quasmospectrum is the embryonic condition of our Universe composed of plasma on the surface sphere and increasing number of proto-photons (master entities) inside it from surface to elsewhere in the sphere. the plasma that served as shell was photons converted into subatomic particles, suggesting that that plasma shell was the older portion of the Quasmospectrum started the conversion of photons into subatomic particles and then cosmic ray particles until the right quantity was completed to be created from the most powerful absolute Causer of Existence.
Enation to Vacuum Nowhere from the Powerful Absolute Causer
The absolute Causer has enated or planted tenderic force in to the Nothingness of the Vacuum by converting the Causer's power into instantaneously speeding force :
P = F x v
(power) (force) (instantaneous velocity)
Tiny spacings (d) fragmented the tenderic force (F) into enough zillion number of master entities (proto-photons) :
F x d = E
(tenderic force) (spacings) (master entities)
Like our Earth, each of these master entities has four directions (north, east, south, & west). Its tenderic body has a fundamental property: action-reaction.
Master Entity
When the west portion of a master entity is 'actioning' (or stretching), the reaction is shallowing of the north portion. It has secondary and third reactions. The secondary effects are the protrusion of the south, the sipping of the east, and the tension of the gravitenderic central portion. Attractions among the master entities with their west and east and with their north & south portions are the third effects. The stretching of western portion is well known as negative electric charge, while the eastern sipping as the positive electric charge, whereas the sucking of north and protruding of south are the magnetism. This is why master entity is a unified field entity, which with interval of Planck time at the speed of light its tenderic body can have the unified field's radius of Planck length.
Unified Field
A master entity is a unified field entity at the radius of Planck length, and such unified field entity can become a photon if
(1) its tenderic filents (electenderic west & magnetenderic south) are attracted by its own opposite filents (eastern electrofilent & northern magnetofilent, respectively), or
(2) it is bond on another unified field entity.
In either case, quantum is formed.
A photon or a group of photons which can be bounced back (i.e. reflected) by nucleon or atom and can cause balanic (i.e. atomic magnetic) repulsion between molecule's atoms if attached on the atom's face is what we called quantum.
Quanta of gamma rays and some highly energetic X-rays can be converted into subatomic particles, simply by changing the arrangement of their filents so that those electrofilents and/or magnetofilents can be externally disturbable (e.g. detectable).
A group of quanta is an electromagnetic radiation and traditionally called, or measured, as hertz (cycle per second), i.e., emitted group of quanta per second. This hertz or emitted group of quanta per second forms a radiation or expanding sphere because its quanta are moving from their source to all directions, and this sphere is traditionally imagined as a wave (even though ball or sphere and wave are two different shapes).
A group of rays is a beam. For sure, beam or radiation is composed of many tinier components (particles).
Planck mass
The weakest quantum is composed of one photon with layerlength 299 792 458 meters, whereas the heaviest quantum (in term of mass conversion) is the one with Planck mass. Gamma rays mutually collided on such heaviest quantum changed or dislocated their filents, forming themselves into subatomic particles.
The volume occupied by the unified field entities or photons was increasing from surface to center , so that it appeared that the newest created master entities were pushing the old ones.
The older master entities, and later even the newer ones, had transmuted into unified field entities, which became photons, and then quanta, and later had converted into subatomic particles. The subatomic particles were transmuted into plasma, serving as a shell to those which were inside. This was the first beginning of mass and the start of the quasmospectrine Thermal Period. The way a star holds photons & subatomic particles is the best way to explain the phenomenon, for every star is a representation of what had happened in the Quasmospectrum.
If there were some Planck masses there, they were broken and possibly became cosmic ray particles.
How Quanta become Massed ?
The unified field formed into weaker, and then strong quanta. As those first quanta were combining to other unified field entities they were gotten strong or energetic more & more. Supposed to be, the quanta in every radiation are united by their filents. But portion of this unification becomes weaker and weaker as the quantity of photons per quantum is getting more and more. Much energetic quanta, specifically stronger gamma quanta, have difficulty in handling (controlling) their filents to themselves to remain intact and externally undisturbable. As a result they have a tendency to become externally disturbed, particularly when their rays are counteracting on cosmic particles or atomic nucleons. The external disturbance on the quantum's electrofilents (and/or magnetofilents) is what we called mass. Gamma rays have this tendency.
If this was so, then the gamma rays in the Quasmospectrum were increasing, with a collateral effect of increasing subatomic particles.
A Ball of Light
Therefore, from invisibility the Quasmospectrum became radio, microwave, infrared, and then visible ball of light. It had manifested with the colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and later silvery white. Thus, from darkness of the Quasmospectrum visible light had shun.
After that quasmospectrine Visible Light Age it became ultraviolet, X-ray, and then ball of gamma rays. The quasmospectrine volume had increased together with the elevation of the temperature.
Transmutation may happen 'uphill' to any thing or downhill (excepting to photon), changing the form of the thing to another, which is according to the law of transformation is because the limitation is exceeded.
This was actuall the reason why Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett in 1935 had noticed that rays of positron & electron rose as the gamma rays disappeared on passing through a lead (Pb) plate, proving that the gamma photons are transmuting uphill when mutually collided; and in reverse, the electron & positron rays decomposing downhill when mutually clashed on each other, giving rise to a pair of gamma rays. The tracks of such those electron rays were first photographed in 1932 to 1935 by Carl David by a cloud chamber.
Electrons are the least stable quanta-if-converted, next to proton. Although its beta photons are much fewer than proton's, the electron's filents are fit to pierce in the proton. Being second least stable quantum, electron is the second most stable subatomic particle known. The third unstable quantum is of the neutron which when converted into mass and emitted is taking 1,010 seconds and then decomposes into its parts (lesser subatomic particles). By the way, neutron is a form of hydrogen atom fit to engulf an atomic ion.
Other quanta are more stable that's why when transformed into subatomic particles are immediately transmuted downhill into lesser subatomic particles and energies. Atomic systems can be framed by these unstable subatomic particles, like the semi-atom muonium, but they cannot exist longer due to immediate decomposition.
The proton has a proper arrangement. making its inside portion out, is making it an antiparticle, and it is very unstable, that's why atoms with antiparticles are very reactive to ordinary atoms.
The properly arranged proton is conventionally called positive proton, of which face can be dented with properly frontaged electron (e-). Electrons and protons can be torn from atoms, proving that atom is constituted of these subatomic particles.
Atom is the tiniest unit of a chemical element that retains the element's identity.
The alchemist's belief about transmutation or converting an element to another element is possible. In fact, in 1934, the wife Irene Curie and husband Jean Frederic Joliot had enabled to transform an aluminum into phosphorus by bombarding it with alpha rays.
This is also why the unstable mercury 195 is converting into gold 195 within 18 hours when emitting its beta rays.
Other chemical elements can be created either in laboratory or by nature simply bombarding the element with cosmic rays or atomic ions. Our atmosphere is, in fact, unceasingly creating nitrogen by the hit of cosmic rays from the Sun and stars to some atmosphere's atoms.
Another way to create heavier elements is cooking a lighter element to several hundreds of million degrees of temperature. If new chemical element is created, nuclear fusion had taken placed.
Nuclear fusion occurs when a kinetically highly energetic atomic ion engulfs another atomic ion. Inside a star or quasar such tremendous energy is abundant and available that's why there is a possibility, for example 4 hydrogen ions, to engulf ions one after another to form a helium ion. Three (3) helium ions engulfing one above another is forming a carbon ion.
If a helium ion is devoured by a carbon ion, oxygen ion is created. In any case, energy or gamma rays are released in the process. When these electromagnetic energies attached on atomic ions or atoms, heat energy is created, resulting to temperature.
Temperature is the expenditure of the atom's increased length ( l ) in @ (atomic tem-length constant)
T = l ÷ @ ,
and this length l is due to balanic repulsion between the atoms, being embraced (engulfed) by quanta of e-ray.
l = h c @ ÷ 2 L m ç
We can define temperature ( T ) as the expending of the 'product of balanic repulsive force ( F ) due to clogging or embracing quanta & increased length in the atom-pengralet (or distance d moved due to the punch of the acohaeric tribo-photons on the face of the atom) ' in the product of the atom's mass (m) & specific heat capacity ( ç ) '
Sooner the gamma photons rode or attached on accelerating subatomic particles formed into much highly energetic quanta when collision occurred on the subatomic particles. More unstable of these quanta were those transmuted into cosmic ray particles, which may constitute plasma. Plasmas of helium, carbon, oxygen, neon, calcium, titanium and so on were reigning in some parts and with a variety of amounts. Electrical and magnetic disturbances were now detectable due to the ramifying here and there race of these ions. Other heavier ions were constructed by forceful collisions of other lighter ions and these collisions were fuelled by tremendous amount of attaching quanta (or of heat energy) until minute amount of iron ions in divers regions of the Quasmospectrum was produced.
As the amount of plasma current was growing more and more, the Quasmospectrum was approaching its dangerous condition - its end. Sometimes there were tiny explosions due to plasma current short circuiting, yet not enough to detonate it. Quasmospectrine quakes were present here and there as thundering of plasma currents voiced out. Like roots of a tree, those currents scattered in many directions - similar to branches of a lightning.
Giant Thundering
At last, a huge arc of group of ions very disturbing was tried to spit out by the Quasmospectrum but because of its unbearable mass and magnetic attraction immediately bent, touching again the surface of the Quasmospectrum, causing a fearful ever happened short circuit, which had detonated the Quasmospectrum, spreading inward the electric shock and fragmentally exploded the entire sphere, resulting to ever loud thunder and giant shine of light. The huge 'pin' or arc of plasma, more or less 1/4 of the Quasmospectrum's size, was splashed out by the fragments of the explosion.
The Birth of the Universe
At the end of the Quasmospectrum was the beginning of the Universe, which in its infancy was composed of quasmospectrine fragments: superclustereones and clustereones, which afterward were fragmented into quasareones and queones.
The quasareone 0957 and others were exploded into queones, quasars, and galaxeones.
Some clustereones split into two lobes, while tearing into galaxeones.
Queones torn into quasars, galaxeones, and clouds. The well studied examples of these are the quasars 0957+561 A and 0957+561 B. Such those materials are shown here in the following radio mapping.
Apparently their iron ions were nuclearly fissioned into oxygen and neon ions, giving off gamma rays, as what possibly has happened to the quasar 3C 273. If it is correct, then gamma rays from celestial objects are emitted due to nuclear explosion of the exploding celestial objects. The plasma of these objects jave a tendency to hit heavier ions, giving rise to X-rays and radio emission.
Einsteone, a queone in the pictures below, has split into four quasars.
Images Credits : Moon landing (NASA) ;
Revolving Moon on Earth - (from images k8r69); Solar System - (NASA/CXC/SAO) ;