- Between 6 & 4 BC, a star seemed overhead the Bethlehem had exploded and seen by Mesopotamian astronomers and interpreted it as a fulfillment of what is prophesied in Numbers 24:17 "...there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel,..." And "...Herod...inquired...what time the star appeared....from two years old and under,..."(Matthew 2:7,16)This nova faded in 4 B.C.E. and this astronomic report is contrary to Aristotelian notion that the heavens were perfect, unchanging crystalline. On November 11, 1572, Tycho Brahe had witnessed another flaring out of a star, which he called novâ stellâ (new star) because it had no previous astronomical record. The supernova grew brighter that even in daytime and for 1.5 year it was visible. Today, this Tycho's supernova is optically invisible but, like other giant heavenly bodies, it has left a remembrance, that is, it still producing radio emissions and therefore can be detected by radio telescopes. In the radio picture of Tycho supernova remnant
(Picture: Dr. Steve Gull & John Fielder)
the scar or remembrance of Tycho's star is conceivable as expanding sphere since its explosion.
The Cassiopeia A Supernova
(NASA,CXC,MIT,UMass Amherst, M.D. Stage et al.)
is almost optically invisible but detected by the radio & X-ray telescopes. Its cry is loudly heard by the radio detector. The thunder of every exploding giant celestial body is easily heard by electromagnetic emissions with hertz below the visible-light band. Typically, when a gigantic celestial body exploded, a system or two will be formed. If our Universe is started by a giant thunder and thence expanding, then the scars of that explosion are still detectable in the heavens. As early as 1948, Ralph Asher Alpher had proposed such a big explosion, but the Bible is more advance in telling it:"By the word of the LORD, the heavens were made,..."(Psalms 33:6) where "word" is "thunder" and biblically defined as 'great power' like tearing "fire' and fulfiled by fire (e.g., quasars) & many more."...the thunder of his power,..." "...and upholding all things by the word of his power,..." "Fire,& hail; snow, & vapour; stormy wind fulfilling his word" (Job 26:14, Hebrews 1:3, Psalms 148:8, Jeremiah 23:29). "Ah Lord GOD! Behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power..." (Jer.32:17). This thundering great power causes the stretching out or expanding of the heavens. Such a thundering is a natural explosion. The expanding or spanning of the Universe is, in fact, a biblical teaching even before Edwin P. Hubble had discovered it."...and my right hand hath spanned the heavens, when I call unto them, they stand up together"(Isaiah 48:13)"God thundereth marvellously with his voice; great things doeth he,..."(Job 37:5)Unfortunately, many of the Bible-basing-claiming preachers don't believe that by a Big Natural Explosion, which until now causes the stretching out or expansion, the heavens or the Universe was created. They deny the said expansion of the Universe and/or deny the said Giant Explosion. It was in 1965 when physicists Arno A. Penzias & Robert W, Wilson of the Bell Telephone Laboratories have accidentally discovered the 3-kilven microwave background radiation, a scar of the once exploded Quasmospectrum which started the Universe.
Absolute Existence is like a (rectangular) rubber sheet. The stretching of the one of its sides or portions is known as "charge", i.e., the ability to protect or accept filents (or tenderons).Suppose you can manipulate it: once you poke it on the center, all the contents of the poked part will follow the gravitational likod's (rear) compression inwardly and the gravitational harap's (front) bumping outwardly. If you stretch the western portion, in the eastern (in the rear) region will be formed swallow, for the contents of that region will be following the direction of the electrostatic westernly stretching. The same is true in the north-south region, but in the direction of north or south. - To have its autonomic or self-controlled activities, without further manipulation of the absolute Causer, this ABSOLUTE EXISTENCE would have to be formed into inseparable tenderons, which spherical-mobiously formed into MASTER-EXISTENCE-RINGS. The quantity of the Absolute Existence is constant: nothing can be added to it, nor any thing taken from it. The master-e-rings, with their then dark condition, were beginning to bind with their photofilents, chaining into PHOTONS. The quantity of the master-e-rings or photons does not change, but the influences of their electrofilents (hence electrostatic), magnetofilents (hence magnetic), and gravitofilents (hence kilogramic properties) were starting to disturb the then weightless aggregation.
This aggregation of all master-e-rings is what we call
Its contents at a fast conversion were constructed, from photons, into QUANTA of radio, microwave, infrared, VISIBLE LIGHT, ultraviolet, X-ray, and then gamma ray. The electrofilents & magnetofilents of densest gamma quantized photons were easily attracted by neaghboring foreign highly energetic quanta (gamma photons). To have stability, those externally reactive filents pulled the easiest to be attracted filents of the neighboring photons until subatomic particles of various masses were formed out of those photons. The Quasmospectrum grew bigger & bigger and possessed mass heavier & heavier because of the conversion of energy (photons) into subatomic particles, and became more & more unstable than ever before. When strong-enough detonable amount of electrons & protons reached the Redoña temperature,the then Giant Quasmospectrum exploded by fragmenting its parts into superclustereones, clustereones, queones, and quasars. The SUPERCLUSTEREONES fragmented into clustereones, queones, and/or quasars. The CLUSTEREONES fragmented into queones, quasars, and/or galaxeones.
An example of the fragmenting QUEONE was the mother of the fragmenting quasars 0957+561A,B et al.
(Radio map picture: Science Photo Library,
The Guinness Book of Records 1990)
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Creation's remembrance
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